Geissele Automatics
AR-15 Super Dynamic Enhanced (SD-E) Trigger, Two Stage, 3.5 lb Pull, Black

IVS Product #1012856
MFG #05-167

- Geissele Automatics was established in 2004 as a manufacturer of trigger mechanisms for the AR-15 rifle. Gesssele products quickly became the trigger of choice for M4 carbine based weapons by many U.S. Special Forces entities. Rely on Geissele when you expect superior performance, quality, and reliability.
- Geissele Automatics drop in replacement triggers for the AR-15/AR-10 weapons platform are truly the cream of the crop. Designed by Bill Geissele to provide you with a superiority level or reliability, functionality, and service life, these triggers exceed in every category. This particular trigger is the Super Dynamic Enhanced which is a target shooter's or precision target shooters dream trigger. It is a two stage trigger and features a 3.5 lb total pull weight. This trigger is specifically recommended for precision match and competition shooting where speed is everything.The Geissele Super Dynamic-Enhanced (SD-E) Trigger features an exclusive flat trigger bow.